MBOAR strives to provide the best possible advice to our Members/Breeders about the Mangalitsa breed. Therefore, we gladly provide Breed Advisors who will share their experience and expertise regarding all aspects of the breed.
They are extremely passionate about how Mangalitsa are bred and raised and are available for consultation for breed selection and other pertinent matters when MBOAR would needed additional advice. Working with breeders and scientists on an international basis is in the best interest of the Mangalitsa.
We would like you to meet:

Lisa is the Mangalitsa Breed representative of the British Pig Association (BPA) in the UK.
She presently raises the 2nd largest pedigree herd in the UK and has been caring for Mangalitsa pigs since 2012. In 2014 over 200 Mangalitsas occupied her farm.
Lisa gladly educates others about the breed and possesses a great deal of knowledge and experience on their health issues. She works closely with veterinary schools and vet students.

Kris is the founder of the Mangalica Breed Organization in France.
He has the largest herd (250) in France and has raised Mangalica pigs since 2013.
Kris worked in the commercial (confinement) pig business for 20 years before starting to raise Mangalica pigs in the most natural way possible.
He butchers his own pigs and produces exceptional Charcuterie and other products of Mangalica pigs that are sold in local shops and restaurants.

Barbara exported Hungarian Mangalitsa breeding pigs in 2014 from the Netherlands to the USA, followed by a second export in 2016. For this latest export she selected stock from Dutch farms. In the same year, she exported the first Mangalitsa pigs (all 3 colors) to Japan.
Barbara offers advice and education internationally about the breed and is playing a significant role in the education and promotion of the breed in the USA.
She is founder of Royal Mangalitsa.

Jeffrey is a young passionate Dutch Mangalitsa breeder and has been breeding Mangalitsa since 2013.
He has helped build the genetic diversity of the Mangalitsa pig in the Netherlands for the last 7 years.
Only the highest animal welfare standards are practiced at his farm and he gladly educates Dutch Mangalitsa Breeders.
He is CO-Founder of the Dutch “Mangalitza-Netwerk”.

Rudi is the founder and breed advisor of the Wollschwein/Mangalitsa Register & Breed Organisation in Germany.
The Mangalitsa breed has been present in Germany since the early 19050’s though no records have been kept. Rudi has devoted himself to tracking the lineage of all of the pure Mangalitsa pigs in his country and started the Register & Breed Organization. He has been raising Mangalitsa pigs for over 20 Years.
He is committed to find ways to market the breed and working with other breeders to build a stable market in Germany

Dominik has bred Mangalitsa pigs for over 25 years in Austria where he is the manager of the Mangalitsa Breed Book. The Mangalitsa is a part of the Arche Austria Association, an association which records many endangered farm breeds.
He has exceptional knowledge about the phenotype and different marketing possibilities of the Mangalitsa pig. Dominik was involved in several Im/Exports of Mangalitsa breeding stock from Hungary to Austria.
He is also a butcher and produces Austrian specialties from his Mangalitsa pigs.

Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture
Radomir is a very passionate, well known Serbian scientist that has published numerous articles about the Mangalitsa; especially the Swallow Belly variety.
MBOAR is honored that he is willing to offer guidance, education and advice to the breed organization in certain fields.
His research field is: Biotechnical sciences (breeding, reproduction and selection of pigs; animal genetic resources; carcass and meat quality of pigs)
Ph.D. thesis: Phenotypic and genetic variability of boar’s fertility
Education: 1998 – 2003 Attended 6 semesters at the Faculty of veterinary medicine – University of Belgrade (Veterinary medicine). 2003 – 2006 Graduated engineer of agriculture.
Title of thesis: Technology of genetic modification and health safeness of human and animal feed.
2008 – 2015 Doctor of science – biotechnical science, Faculty of Agriculture – University of Belgrade
Since 2020: Associate Professor (Faculty of Agriculture – University of Belgrade)
Here a link to his work: Faculty of Agriculture